Wednesday, 3 September 2014

From Paris With Love by Samantha Tonge

Every girl dreams of hearing those four magical words Will you marry me? But no-one tells you what’s supposed to happen next….

Fun-loving Gemma Goodwin knows she should be revelling in her happy-ever-after. Except when her boyfriend Lord Edward popped the question, after a whirlwind romance, although she didn’t say no….she didn’t exactly say yes either!

A month-long cookery course in Paris could be just the place to make sure her heart and her head are on the same page… And however disenchanted with romance Gemma is feeling, the City of Love has plenty to keep her busy; the champagne is decadently quaffable, the croissants almost too delicious, and shopping is a national past-time! In fact, everything in Paris makes her want to say Je t’aime…. Except Edward!

But whilst Paris might offer plenty of distractions from wedding planning – including her new friends, mysterious Joe and hot French rockstar Blade - there’s no reason she couldn’t just try one or two couture dresses is there? Just for fun…

I had read Samantha Tong’s first book ‘Doubting Abbey’ in January and really enjoyed it. This novel is about the same characters, but can easily be read and enjoyed as a standalone.

In this book Gemma and Edward visit Paris to gain some work experience in a restaurant. Paris is described absolutely spectacularly and in great detail, it sounds such a beautiful place. Disneyland Paris is also described with lots of vibrancy and gets the fun, delightful feeling you get when you visit the parks yourself. It brings back lots of memories.

The main storyline is the book, which I won’t ruin for you, I must say is off-the-wall, which was completely unexpected. It’s crazy, but in a totally good way, making this book a read that is a lot of fun.
Gemma is the same loveable character, even when she is not totally happy, her bubbliness and fun outlook on life shines through. Of course her personality leads to many comedy moments, my favourite being her frequent use of ‘Au Naturel’ thinking it means of course, which obviously surprises unsuspecting strangers. You cannot help but love her.

In this book, we have 3 gorgeous males to feast our imaginations on. Edward of course, Joe and Blade. They are all very different and I have a little bit of a book crush on the all, but especially Joe. There is something mysterious about him, and as we get to know him he gets more and more loveable. The other characters were all fantastic, especially Hugo, he was quite the old romantic.

This book is really funny, and makes me smile reading at all the antics that Gemma gets up to, I don’t know how one person can get caught up in so much, hilarious. Mix that with the descriptive style that Samantha writes in and you get the perfect escape for a weekend read. 

Order on Amazon now!

Published by: Carina

Gratefully received from the Publisher for review.

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